The new series 050D
Pressure and level transmitter
of the new series 050D
- easy calibration, even without disconnecting the transmitter by switchable power supply - system supply ⁄ calibrator supply
- TurnDown 4
- accuracy ≤ ± 0,2% FS
- easy parameterization by 2-button-concept and multicoloured status-LED
- output signal 4...20mA, 2-wire
- hygienic design, IP67 and IP69K
- measurement ranges from -1/1bar up to 100bar
- modular and fixed connections, e.g. PZM, VARIVENT®, Clamp, G1" elastomic free sealing cone, ...
Pressure switch PiezoSwitch PS
Flexible and functional
pressure switch / transmitter PiezoSwitch
- easy configuration and operating modus with 3 buttons
- LED-display for measurement reading
- max. 2 PNP-switching outputs, 24V DC, max. 50mA, with indicator for switching status
- output signal 4...20mA, 2 wire
- free programmable measuring ranges from -1/0 up to 30bar, TurnDown 4
- process connections G1" elasomic-free sealing cone, turnable or EHEDG EL-ASEPTIC certified modular system PZM, with more than 20 different process connection adapters and weld-in sockets
Turbidity Sensor
for the food, dairy and beverage industry
- detection of product change (e.g. milk – cream – whey)
- continuous monitoring of e.g. milk fat content / quality inspection
- monitoring of the cleaning agents’ pollution degree
during CIP - detection of filter breakdown
- detection of yeast and cloudy fruit juice
- process connections Clamp; Varivent; DIN 11851
- integrated LED display
- easy parametrizing with three push buttons